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Government Grant Specialists

Access exciting government funding opportunities to help strengthen your competitive position.

At NOAH Connect, we pride ourselves on being your trusted partner in accessing non-dilutive government funding.

Searching for a Government Grant consultant Australia trusts, but don’t know where to start?

We take the time to understand your business goals, aligning them with grant guidelines and delivering compelling, merit-based arguments for grants with high success rates.


Government grants: what they are, and why they’re worth considering.

In Australia, a range of funding programs exist at both the Federal and State Government levels designed to support business activities including research and development, end-product commercialisation, facilities/workforce expansion, and more.

Generally, grant programs are designed to achieve government policy objectives. These goals can range from improving the competitiveness of local businesses and increasing employment to upskilling and knowledge transfers, fostering collaboration between businesses, and more.

There are also grants available to support more specific objectives such as helping businesses better prepare for cyber security threats or supporting female entrepreneurship.

Government grants in Australia provide anywhere from tens of thousand to several million dollars in funding to help businesses de-risk their projects. Aside from the monetary benefit, the programs provide a myriad of other benefits including helping businesses improve their productivity, strengthen supply chains, access new markets and expertise from subject matter experts, just to name a few. Grants programs vary significantly in their administration and the level and type of funding offered.

In all cases, however, there is a bureaucracy to be navigated and an application to be crafted that needs to address a set of merit criteria. Competition for funds is fierce, and most grant programs in recent memory have been heavily oversubscribed.

Looking for proven success in obtaining grants? This is what we specialise in. Email our friendly team today to book your obligation-free consultation:

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What kind of government grants are available?

Good news: at any given time, there are hundreds of grants programs offered by all levels of government.
Some current and recent grants that have opened to those eligible include:

Industry Growth Program

  • Grant status: Open
  • Objective: To support innovative small to medium enterprises (SMEs) in their commercialisation and/or growth projects within a National Reconstruction Fund (NRF) priority sector.
  • Benefit: For early stage commercialisation grants, $50k – $250k, for ommercialisation and growth grants – $100k to $5million
  • Have a combined annual turnover of less than $20 million for each of the three financial years prior to the lodgement of the application
  • have an innovative product, process or service that you are seeking to commercialise and/or grow in one or more in a NRF priority area
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Advanced Manufacturing Ecosystem Fund

  • Grant status: Open, Closes 30 June 2026
  • Benefit: From $25,000 to $500,000, 1:1 matched funding
  • Objective: The $7.5 million Advanced Manufacturing Ecosystem (AME) Fund aims to boost advanced manufacturing in the Northern Territory. The goal is to expand advanced manufacturing capacity, increase investment and output, and create more advanced manufacturing jobs in the region
  • Carbon reduction and low emissions
  • Construction
  • Critical minerals
  • Defence and Security
  • Digital
  • Energy
  • Fabrication
  • Food and Agriculture
  • Maritime
  • Material recovery/recycling
  • Medical and pharmaceuticals
  • Petrochemicals
  • Resources technology
  • Space
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The Future Fuels Program

Various funding opportunities offered by ARENA (Australian Renewable Energy Agency). The agency funds programs and shares knowledge that drives innovation, commercialisation in renewable energy, and low emission technologies.

The Future Fuels Program, for example,  has nearly $250 million allocated to support the demonstration and deployment of new zero emission vehicle technologies.

  • Application: ongoing, applications are expected to be assessed every two months
  • Benefit: Minimum funding of $500,000, matched funding 
  • Focus Area (in place until December 2022, subject to updates periodically):
  • Support the integration of battery electric vehicles into light vehicle fleets
  • Support the integration of battery electric vehicles into heavy vehicle fleets
  • Commercialise hydrogen as a transport fuel
  • Eligible expenditure: In-kind contributions, salaries, contractor costs, administration expenses, plants and related installation/running costs, legal, audit and accounting costs, fundraising, relevant license fees or IP purchase costs.
  • Eligible entities: For private organisations, you need to have an incorporated Australian entity with a registered ABN.
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NOAH Connect: a proven track record of successful government grant applications.

Through a combination of deep insights into grant programs and a collaborative approach to working with our clients, our team at NOAH is able to develop compelling and persuasive grant proposals that secure state and federal government funding.

Our team has a strong track record of success, having secured millions in funding for our clients across a diverse range of industries, demonstrating our dedication to providing high-quality grant services and establishing a reputation as a leader in the field.

Like every industry, you have multiple options when it comes to sourcing a government funding services support partner. At NOAH Connect, our mission is simple: to help you end the search. 

From in-depth consultation and guidance to managing every aspect of the application and submissions process for you, it’s our relationship-focused approach and commitment to quality  that keeps our clients partnered with us for years.

Six steps to applying for a government grant program.

Applying for a government grant opportunity can be complex. Check through our six-step outline of the process below, or email us at to learn more.


Identify a grant program that matches your objectives

Firstly, it’s important to examine the strategic objectives of the department offering the grant. Accelerating Commercialisation, for example, is part of the Entrepreneurs’ Programme for supporting productivity and competitiveness in the small and medium private business.

You should also search for program statistics and previous grant recipients including grants awarded per round, the average grant size, and number of grants per sector.

This research will allow you to define the project in a way that is most sympathetic to the program’s objectives.

In general, successful applicants in any program demonstrate that they offer best value for money for the taxpayer’s dollar. Push to show how your business will create jobs, improve Australia’s competitiveness or upskill workers.


Map out the cut-off dates

Grants often have strict deadlines, long assessment processes, and multiple stages to the application process.

Map out the cut-off dates as best as possible before starting the application process to understand a birds-eye approach to the progression required. The timeframes must be carefully managed with your business needs, as in most cases, project costs incurred prior to the grant agreement or contract being signed will not be funded.


Get your financials and records in order

It’s time to review mandatory attachments to the application such as a business plan (see Step 5 below), detailed budget, financial statements, and market research report. Feedback on applications will generally only be provided where the application is complete and all attachments are included (at the very least least in draft form).

If you are successful, keep in mind you will also need to report on project progress against agreed milestones as per the funding agreement.


Examine the merit criteria and understand the relative weighting/score

Using the AC grant as an example, businesses will need to demonstrate “Impact of the Grant” including the ‘need for funding’ before other criteria will be assessed. It’s a fine balancing act to demonstrate this need for funding and at the same time showcase that your business has funding planned from other sources to meet its contribution.


Create a comprehensive business plan

You must demonstrate that you have in place good business governance processes such as a comprehensive business plan, strong financial reports and detailed budgets. This will give your case managers confidence in your business and assurance of how you will successfully implement the grant.


Seek professional advice

Applying for a government grant is a complex, time-consuming and highly competitive process. Seek out a professional advisor for help in assessing merit criteria and to ensure you put forward the strongest application possible.  

NOAH has an excellent track record in the grant funding landscape. We can help match a potential applicant with the grant program that best suits the needs of the business at a particular point in time and quickly assess eligibility by asking a few simple questions. To get started, email us today at

Common FAQs regarding government grant programs in Australia.

Yes, eligible entities are typically trading companies incorporated in Australia. Overseas entities may sometimes be listed as collaborative partners.

Yes. Most of the grants received are assessable income for taxation purposes.

Most grant programs require, as a minimum, a business plan, project budget, project plan and, for matched funding programs, a Letter from your accountant showing you can fund your share of the project. 

Some also require:

  • Shareholder and business structure information 
  • Financial reports 
  • Evidence of market research/market opportunity
  • Risk analysis
  • Operational Plan
  • Gantt Chart
  • Letters of Support from third parties. For example, from a potential customer to verify their demand for your product or from a subject matter expert to verify the novelty of the technology you wish to commercialise

To learn more, you can:

  • Use the Grant Finder tool on, a great tool for filtering grants based on location, industry, business structure, objectives, business stage, and more
  • Visit GrantConnect, an Australian Government service that provides daily updates via email
  • Check out our website or follow us on LinkedIn for regular updates on grants available 

If you’d like to discover more about your eligibility for an upcoming grant opening, email our friendly team today at

state reference group

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Ready to maximise your funding opportunities?

To get started, reach out to our friendly team today.